Daily Devotional, 4/20/18

My devotional today was a bit wonky.  I made the offering to the Ancestors then remembered to light their candle.  The lighter went out after that so I wasn’t able to light any other candles.  I looked around for my plain chime candles so I could light the other candles, but I didn’t find them.  I decided to continue on with my devotional by naming the Nature Spirits (those of bud and leaf, fur and feather, fin and scale, winged and those without, two-legged, four-legged, and eight-legged, etc.) and making them their offering of lavender.  I then honored the Vanir with an offering of oats.

Freyja’s prayer went well.  Enunciating the words and saying them strongly with intensity really helps me feel the prayer.

Despite the wonkiness, I drew the Feather upright:

V – The Feather, upright, from the Wychwood Oracle.  Photo by Victoria Laughlin-Casares, 2018.

The Feather, in the upright position, signifies freedom, changes, and relaxation.  This is a sign that the trip I’m taking to Chicago with my husband and my mother will be a welcome change that will be relaxing and freeing.  I am looking forward to this trip very much.  It will be nice to have a change of scenery for the weekend.

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