Meditation Experience, 8/4 – 8/10

Didn’t meditate every day due to various life circumstances.  Here’s what I did do.

Tuesday evening, 8/6:  First attempt at basic trance: started out with counted breaths. When I found myself thinking about the wedding or other things, I imagined the thought dissipating into wisps of smoke. Face wouldn’t relax, but rest of body did. Did a fairly good job of maintaining focus even though one of the dogs started barking and I coughed a couple times. A fit of coughing prompted me to sit up and end my session.

Wednesday evening:  8/7:  Meditated in afternoon before a nap. Counted breaths were smooth, and I didn’t really find my mind wandering much. Had a terrible headache though. Got the idea to imagine the pain dissipating into wispy smoke and I did feel some relief. Finally got some rest after a cup of chamomile tea.

Thursday evening, 8/8:  Felt self going into an altered state, though I didn’t “see” anything or feel anything else.  Just felt different.  Don’t have a detailed record of this meditation.

I’ve continued to try to meditate before I go to bed, though some nights are harder than others.  I have no idea where I am in my “meditation training program;” it might be a long time before I can move on.

Meditation Experience, 7/28 – 8/3

I was bad and didn’t make a daily record of meditation for this week.  I also realize I am late because I have had other things going on in life.


However, for the most part, the counted breaths before bed seem to be going smoothly, unless a cat meows in your face like Saturday night.  🙂  I’ve discovered that the counted breaths really only help with relaxation (even then, only the first couple evenings I tried it while in bed), and not much else.

I’m starting to feel like visualization of some sort would be more effective, as I did do that nearly every day as part of other studies.  The more I did it, the more the visualization felt real.  I am slowly figuring out what works and what doesn’t for me, I guess.

Anyway, hope you all are having a good week!

Blessings, Victoria

Meditation Experience (7/20 – 7/27)

Saturday evening, 7/20:  Performed counted breathing while laying in bed as an attempt to relax and get to sleep.  Pattern used was breathe in 4 counts, hold breath 4 counts, breathe out 4 counts, hold breath 4 counts.  Managed a slow and steady count.  Not sure how long I performed this technique, but it really helped me to fall asleep.

Sunday evening, 7/21:  Did counted breathing again to relax and sleep.  Used same pattern as above.  Dreamed that I was in some sort of financial institution.  I started out in a well-lit area where I walked past some people in lines to get credit cards and similar things.  Somehow I ended up getting lost, and I found myself on a somewhat shadowy floor.  I called out for someone to assist me, but no one answered.  I walked around a bit to look for someone and passed a dark open doorway on my right.  As I walked past this doorway, I felt a wave of cold air rush past.  After finding no assistance, I walked back to the doorway.  I stood in front of it and felt the cold air again.  The air was so cold it woke me up.  I found myself calling, “Hello?”  I didn’t feel threatened or apprehensive during this dream.  I did feel that perhaps I was seeing the shadowy recesses of my mind that I have yet to explore.  I am very interested to see how this develops.

Monday evening, 7/22:  Did counted breathing in bed. Felt body relax, but face was tense. Tried to sleep and couldn’t, so tried counted breathing again for a while. Face muscles wouldn’t relax. Had distracting thoughts. May have something to do with the cup of coffee I had around 4:30 in the afternoon. Should’ve known better 🙂

Tuesday evening, 7/23:  First night off stimulant medication that I have taken pretty much ever since I can remember. Had lots of trouble holding after exhale–kept wanting to breathe in after one or two counts. Couldn’t stay focused for long. At least I tried!

For Wednesday & Thursday, 7/24 & 7/25:  I know I meditated one of these nights before going to sleep, but I honestly can’t remember which.  Since I didn’t write down anything about it anywhere, I don’t remember how it went either.  Thursday night I was just trying to get some sleep since I had to get up early Friday morning to make it to an all-day music festival, so it was probably Wednesday when I meditated (though I can’t be sure).

Friday evening, 7/26:  Did some counted breathing laying in bed exhausted after an all-day music festival.  Didn’t really need to breathe for long, as I was dead tired and was ready for some sleep.  Counting and breathing was smooth.  Did see three different Tarot decks in my dreams, though if I’m not sure they’re even real or significant (I don’t use tarot).

Saturday evening, 7/27:  Counted breathing before bed, for a very short period of time.  It does help me relax, but at this point, that’s about it.  I’m only a week in, though, so I shouldn’t be expecting crazy visions and such.  I need to try meditating at some other time in the day, but I don’t really have a space for it.  I also don’t tolerate heat very well, so going outside isn’t such a great idea.

I guess my first week of meditation wasn’t too bad.  I have a tendency to believe that the more I try to meditate and such, the worse I get at it because I seem to be able to do it longer at first and I seem to have an easier time relaxing.  Perhaps I am just deluding myself though.  Anyway, I’ll keep working at it and see what happens!

Blessings, Victoria